Bishop A. Michael Clark
An Appointed Leader of the End Time Warriors
Albert Michael Clark born December 5, 1963 was Holy Ghost filled and fire baptized, with the evidence of speaking in tongue, at the age of 5. From that time forward during his growth in the word and his submission to the Lord he has lead and continues to lead thousands to Christ and has birthed many, many sons and daughters into the Kingdom of God.
In 2010 he was licensed as a Bishop from the Church of God In Christ International as Assistant Bishop over the state of Kentucky. Apostle Clark is dedicated to the works of the Lord and continues today in ministering not only to those in the church houses but also to those in the jail houses in Tennessee and Kentucky or where ever he is sent. He ministers to the “whole” of the person to heal (body), deliver (soul), and to set free (spirit) so a complete release and renewal in Christ may be achieved by the power of the Holy Spirit. In February of 2012 Apostle Clark was directed by the Holy Spirit to expand and enlarge Flames of Fire Institutional International from Gallatin, Tennessee to Glasgow, Ky. Since being there the Lord has used him to continue to baptize people in the Holy Spirit, lead saints to Christ and rededicate their lives back to Christ and to release a fire anointing in the area. A visionary, a man of Holiness,a man who commands the life of the word of God to become active, who walks in the apostolic anointing with signs and wonders that follow; given to us as a gift from our Father, a son in whom He is well pleased .
Some of Bishop A. Michael Clark’s other accomplishments and education includes: “Boys to Men” Ministry at First Baptist Church. Gallatin; produced and hosted “loy In Our Town” lTBN- TV 50 WPGD (We Praise God Daily) from October 25,2002 – September 2003. He produced and hosted TBN Local PTL Program in 2003, first African American Talk Show Host of Sumner County, Tennessee which is registered in The Historical Archives; was awarded as Parent of the Year 1999 and 2000 in Nashville; Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)/Juvenile Court of Sumner County by Judge Brown in the year 2000. VolunteerState Community College/Business and Management in Gallatin; Ministers-In-Training (MIT) at Born Again Church; Daniel I School of Leadership/Hebrew & Greek Biblical Studies – Apostle Don Finto/Belmont Church in Nashville; School of Zadok/Scott McCloud-Provision Ministries; Faith Is The Victory Bible School; Biblical Studies/Liberty University-Pat Robertson & Elijah Institute/Morris Cerullo.
Bishop Albert Michael Clark
Flames of Fire Institutional International
Gallatin, Tn. & Glasgow, KY.