Apostle Chad Collins is a native of Louisville KY and a graduate of Rhema Ministerial Training Center in Tulsa Oklahoma. He received a degree in Pastoral Studies and graduate degree in Divinity at World Evangelism Bible College in Baton Rouge, LA. Apostle Collins pursued ministry after his conversion and has preached the gospel over two decades throughout the region under the spiritual mantle of his father, the late, Prophet Ted Collins. He served as an associate pastor with the Church of Jesus Faith for several years and after completing his assignment, he stepped into his call as a prophet, evangelist and itinerant teacher in which he travelled various places preaching the gospel in power. Apostle Collins served as a Prison Ministry Director for several years and continues to minister in the correctional facilities in the state of Kentucky.
God has given Apostle Chad Collins an Apostle and prophetic mantle in the last days to prepare people for the coming of Christ. The office that God has established through Apostle Collins is confirmed by signs, wonders and diverse gifting(s) of the Holy Spirit. One of the mandates that God has placed on him is to establish churches and faith based schools throughout the United States and abroad. Apostle Chad Collins is currently serving as the pastor of Christ Tabernacle of Louisville (CTOL), along with his wife, Malyssa, three children, Steve, Shayna, Isaiah and granddaughter Penelope. There are many different opportunities to serve God’s people through the umbrella of Street Witnessing, Women of Excellence and Men of Honor. Apostle has also implemented many trainings such as: Kingdom Training, School of the Prophetic, Healing School, and Ministry Training to name a few.
In November 2015, Apostle Collins established the “Miracle Life Center” as a sister church to CTOL in Bowling Green Kentucky. God has given Apostle a vision of, “Revival in the City” for Bowling Green; which means a time of visitation from the Lord, healings/miracles and a powerful move of the Holy Spirit. The motto of both churches is, “An Experience You Can Believe In” and a number of testimonies have proved this to be true at both CTOL and Miracle Life Center. Apostle Collins currently conducts encounter services, prophetic conferences, crusades and doors have also been opened internationally for his ministry; which includes the country of Africa; where he has preached the gospel to its people.